7. Proposals
7.7. Receivables Tab
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7.7. Receivables Tab

The Receivables tab is where you create your customer invoices, create proforma invoices, receive customer deposits and credit customer credits.

The Customer Invoices tab displays all customer invoices that were created on this proposals and the Customer Credits tab displays all customer credits that were created for this proposal

Customer Invoices Tab

Image ProposalsReceivablesTab.JPG

Receivables Tab Icons Description
Create Customer Invoices Click on this icon to start the invoice creation process
Pro Forma Invoice Click on this icon to start the proforma invoice process
Receive Customer Deposits Click on this icon to receive a customer deposit

Create Customer Invoices

After clicking on the Create Customer invoices icon the Select Line Items window will open. This allows you to select the line items that you want to include on your customer invoice. You can also select lines by Group. If you check the selection box to the left of any Group name, all the line items contained in that group will be selected. Click on the Next button to continue the invoice creation process.

Image ProposalsCustomerInvoiceLinesSelect.JPG

The Review Your Invoice window will open.

Image ProposalsCustomerInvoiceReview.JPG

The Review You Invoice window displays the invoice information for you before the invoice is created. Several of the fields in this window can be edited.

Review Your Invoice Fields Description
[update tax] This link allows you to update or modify the tax rules that have been applied to the proposal. Clicking on this icon will open the Change Tax Rules window and allows you to either apply sales tax or modify the tax rules that were applied.
Invoice Date You can pre or post date your invoice created date by adjusting the date here. The default is the date you are running this process
Submit Via The Submit Via options allow you to choose how your invoice is to be submitted to your customer. You can select Email, Fax or Mail. If you select the Mail option, then the invoice will be created and the invoice PDF preview window will open displaying your final invoice. You can then print a copy of the invoice to mail to your customer. If you select Email or Fax, you must enter the customers email address or fax number. The invoice will be created and submitted to the message queue to be processed as an email or fax to your customer.
Remit To If you have defined remit to addresses in your System Configuration, you will have the option of which remit to address is to be printed on your invoice.
Company Logo If you have multiple company logos uploaded in your System Configuration, you can select which logo is to appear on this invoice.
Print Prefs If customer invoice print preferences has been saved, then the print preferences options will be available for selection here
Create Invoice Clicking on this button will complete the invoice creation process and your invoice will be created. You invoice will appear as in your Receivables tab.

[update tax]

Image ProposalsCustomerInvoiceChangeTax.JPG

The [update tax] link allows you to add or modify the tax rules that were applied to your proposal during finalization. Select the tax rules to be applied to your customer invoice and click on the Save Tax button. You invoice Preview window will update to display the new tax rules applied.

Pro Forma Invoice

The pro forma invoice option allows you to generate a document that can be used for many purposes. The document can be used to create what looks like an invoice, proposal, or a receipt/invoice for a customer deposit.

The pro forma invoice has absolutely no accounting impact at all. It is simply a document that you can use to create an "invoice" for a customer deposit, or to request a payment from your customer without having to create a customer invoice. If you receive a payment that is the result of sending a pro forma invoice, you will receive that payment as a deposit on the proposal. When you do create the customer invoice, the deposit amount obtained from the pro forma invoice can be applied to that invoice. There is no limit to the number of pro forma invoices you can generate.

Click on the Pro Forma invoice icon and the Pro Forma Invoice Print Options window will open

Image ProposalsCustomerInvoiceProForma.JPG

Pro Forma Print Options Fields Description
Print Prefs If print preferences have been saved, you can select from the available options here
Company Logo If multiple company logo's have been uploaded in your System Configuration, you can select which log is to be applied to your document
General Print Fields These fields affect the overall appearance and header information on your document
Print logo on First Page Only If you only want your company logo to appear on the first page select this option
Invoice Description If you want the text in the Invoice Option input field to appear select this option
Total Due If selected the total amount of the line items you selected will appear on your document
Group Totals If selected and if you have groups on your proposal each group will appear with a sub total amount
Page Break After Groups If selected and if you have groups on your proposal a new page will print after each Group has printed
Group Summary If selected and if you have groups on your proposal each group name and subtotal will be listed at the end of your document
Tax Amount Due If selected the sales tax applied to the proposal will appear on the document
Customer PO If selected and if the Customer PO field on the Project Info tab is populated the Customer PO data will appear on your document
Billing Address If selected the Customer address from the project Info tab will appear on your document
Shipping Location If selected the Shipping Location from the Install Tab will appear on your document
Installation Address If selected the Installation address from the Install Tab will appear on your document
Panel Attribute Details If selected and if Teknion panels have been imported into your proposal then panel details will appear on your document
Line Item Print Fields These fields affect the appearance of each line item on your document
Line Numbers If selected your line items will be numbered
Vendor Name If selected the Vendor Name will appear on each line item
Product Name If selected the Product Name will appear on each line item
Item Number If selected the Item Number (product code) will appear for each line item
Item Description If selected the Item Description will appear for each line item
Item Quantity If selected the Item Quantity will appear for each lien item
Item List Pricing If selected the item List Price will appear for each line item
Extended List Pricing If selected the Extended List pricing will appear for each line item
Item Sell If selected the item Sell Price will appear for each line item
Extended Sell If selected the Extended Sell pricing will appear for each line item
Item Tagging If tagging was used on the Item Details tab the tagging will appear for each line item
Item Finishes & Options If selected the Finishes and Options will appear for each line item
Zero Sell Items If selected line items with a zero sell price will appear on your document
Discounting If selected the Discounting used will appear for each line item
GP Margin If selected the GP margin percentage will appear for each line item
List Discount If selected the Discount Off of List used will appear for each line item
Item Special If selected and the Item Special flag is set (imported files only) then the item special information will appear for each line item that is flagged as a special
Item Cost If selected the Item Cost will appear for each line item
Extended Cost If selected the Extended Cost for each line item will appear
Line Items [toggle all] Select the Line Items to appear on your document, the [toggle all] button will select all line items. You must select at least one line item to appear on your document.
Invoice Message You can type a specific message to appear on your document by entering that text here
$$ Percentage You can enter a percentage amount of the total of the selected line items to appear as the amount due on your document
$$ Amount You can enter a specific dollar amount to appear as the amount due on your document
Document Title You can change the title of the document to any text you want by entering that text here. This gives you the flexibility to use this document in multiple ways. The text you enter here appears at the top of the document
Proforma Invoice No The default is PF - followed by the proposal number. This is your only link to the proposal that you are creating the pro forma invoice for. This is a free text field and you can enter any number that you wish.
Invoice Description You can enter any text you want here. This text may be a description of what the document is for.
Remit To If you have entered multiple Remit To addresses in your System Configuration, you can select the remit to address you want to appear on your document
Address The default is your company address. You can change the address here if desired
Footer Message The default is the invoice footer message from your System Configuration. You may change this text here if desired
Save to File Vault? If selected a copy of this document will automatically be saved to the File Vault of this proposal
Save Print Preferences This option allows you to save the print options that you have selected above for use on future pro forma documents.

Receiving Customer Deposits

There are two methods for receiving customer payments. The first method is from the Customers menu options (Customers - Receive Payments). The second method is from the Receive Customer Deposits icon on the Receivables tab on the proposal which is the method discussed here.

Image ProposalsReceivablesReceiveDeposit.JPG

Receive Deposits Fields Description
Customer The customer name will be filled in for you from the proposal information
Check No Enter the customers check number that you have received
[Receive From Unapplied Receipts] If deposits have been received for this customer but have not been applied to any proposal, you can select and assign unapplied deposits with this option
Receipt Date Enter the date that you receive the deposit
Amount Enter the amount of the deposit
Account Select the cash account that you are receiving the deposit into
Comments This is a free text field that you can enter text into to describe the deposit or note any information you feel necessary regarding this payment
Save Click on the Save button to save your entry

After entering the customer deposit information and clicking on the Save button, the deposit information will be saved and listed in the Receivables tab. Customer deposits are displayed as Customer Deposits as shown below.

To apply a deposit directly to an invoice, click on the invoice and then click on the Receive Payment tab. You will see a link called [Receive From Proposal Deposits]. Click on this link to select the deposit and apply it to your customer invoice. Once the deposit has been applied to an invoice, the balance of the deposit will update to zero (if the entire deposit has been applied) to indicate that the deposit balance has been applied.

Image ProposalsReceivablesReceiveDepositDisplay.JPG

Receiving Unapplied Receipts

If you have received a payment from a customer as an unapplied deposit (did not receive it directly on a proposal) then you will see the [Receive From Unapplied Receipts] link in the Receive Customer Deposit window. Unapplied deposits must be applied to a proposal before they can be used on an invoice. Clicking on this link will display any unapplied deposits that exist for this customer as shown above. You can select the unapplied deposit and apply it to any proposal for this customer so it can be used as a payment towards an invoice.

Deposits not applied to a customer invoice can be moved to another proposal for the customer. If the deposit was received on the wrong proposal, you can click on the "move deposit to another proposal" link to enter and select the correct proposal that the deposit should be entered on as shown below.

Image ProposalsReceivablesDepositMove.JPG

Select the correct proposal number and click on the Go button and the deposit will be moved for you.

Image ProposalsReceivablesDepositMoveGo.JPG

Receiving Payments On An Invoice

There are two methods for receiving customer payments. The first method is from the Customers menu (Customers - Receive Payments). The second method is from the Receivables tab on the proposal which is the method discussed here.

There is a difference between receiving a customer deposit and a receiving a customer payment. A deposit can be entered at anytime via the Receivables tab by clicking on the Receive Customer Deposits icon as noted above. An invoice does not need to exist to receive a deposit. When customer invoices are created, any existing deposits will automatically be applied to the invoice. You do have the option of removing the deposit from the invoice if you wish.

A customer payment is any payment that the customer has sent to you from them receiving a customer invoice. Payments are entered via the Receive Payment tab.

To receive a payment on an invoice, click on the invoice in the Receivables tab that the payment is to be applied to and then click on the Receive Payment tab.

Image ProposalsReceivablesReceivePaymentTab.JPG

Receive Payment Tab Icons Description
Print invoice Opens the invoice print options window to allow you to select which attributes are to appear on your document
Delete invoice This icon allows you to delete a customer invoice. An invoice cannot be deleted if payments have been applied to the invoice. Any payments applied to a customer invoice must be removed from the invoice before the invoice can be deleted
Email & Fax Terminal Allows you to access the email and fax terminal to transmit your documents
Apply finance charges to invoice Allows you to apply finance charges to the customer invoice
Issue credits on invoice Allows you to create and apply credits on this customer invoice
Receive Payment Fields Description
Check No Enter the customer's check number or payment identification number
[Receive from Proposal Deposits] If deposits have been received on this proposal but have not yet been applied, this link will display. Clicking on this link will display all available deposits. Select the deposit to be applied to this invoice and click on the Go button and the deposit will be applied.
Receipt Date The Receipt Date defaults to today's date. You can change the Receipts date if you choose by editing the date fields here
[Apply from Customer Credits] If customer credits exist for this customer, this link will display. Click on this link to view the available credits and to select a credit to be applied to the invoice
Amount If you have selected a deposit or credit, the amount field will be populated for you. Otherwise enter the amount of the customer payment that your are receiving
Account Select the cash account that you are receiving the payment into
Comments This is a free text field that you can use to enter information regarding this payment if desired.
Save Payment Click on the Save Payment button to save your payment entry. The customer invoice will be updated with the payment information and the Receipt Log tab will now appear in the Customer Invoice Summary window.

Receipt Log Tab

Image ProposalsReceivablesReceiptLogTab.JPG

The Receipt Log Tab exits once you have received a payment or entered a credit on the customer invoice. The Receipt Log tab allows you to view what payments have been applied to the customer invoice. To see the details of any of the payments displayed here, click on the payment record in the list. To remove a payment from the invoice, you must click on the payment in the Receipt Log tab and then click on the Delete button. The invoice balance will update to reflect that the payment has been removed from the invoice.

Invoice Print Options

Image ProposalsReceivablesInvoicePrintOptions.JPG

Invoice Print Options Description
Print Prefs If a print preference has been saved via the Save These Print Preferences option, your saved preferences will be displayed and available for selection in this drop down selection box
Company Logo If you have uploaded logo's in your System Configuration you can select the desired logo to print on this document here
Print Logo You can select to have the company logo print on your document or not by checking or unchecking this box
General Print Fields These items affect the overall appearance on your document
Customer Contact Select this option to have the Customer Contact from the Project Info tab appear or from the Customer Contact input field below in the invoice print options window. Otherwise, you can enter a contact name here.
Customer PO Select this option to have the Customer PO Number from the Project Info tab appear
Item Groups Select this option if you want your Group Names (as grouped on the Item Details tab) to appear
Group Totals Select this option to have Sub Total Amounts appear for your item groups
Page Break After Groups Select this option to have your Groups start on a new invoice page (each group will begin a new page)
Proposal Description Select this option to have your Proposal Description appear
Proposal Comments Select this option to have your Proposal Comments appear
Installation Location Select this option to have your Installation Location appear
Remittance Address Select this option to have your Remittance Address appear
Line Item Print Fields These items affect the appearance of the line items on your document
Line Numbers Select this option to have Line Numbers appear for each line item
Item Number Select this option to have the Item Number or product/part number appear
Item Description Selected this option to have the Item Descriptions appear
Item Quantity Select this option to have the item Quantities appear
Item Sell Select this option to have the Sell Price appear
Extended Sell Select this option to have the Extended Sell Price appear
Item List Select this option to have the List Price appear
Extended List Select this option to have the Extended List price appear
Item Discounting Select this option to have the Item Discounting appear
List Discount Select this option to have the Discount Off of List price appear
Item Product Select this option to have the Product & Service type appear
Item Finishes & Options Select this option to have the Item Finishes and Options appear
Hide Vendor Name Select this option to exclude the vendor name from each line
Zero Sell Items Select this option to have items with a zero sell price appear
Invoice Details This option allows you to select if line item details are to be displayed on your document
Print Line Item Details Select this option to print details for each line item
Print Summarized by Group Select this option to print your document summarized by Group
Document Title The default is "Invoice". You can change the document title to whatever text you enter here
Customer Contact You can enter a specific customer name here to have appear on your document. If you enter text here you must select the General Print Field option called Customer Contact
Invoice Footer Message This text defaults to what you have defined in your System Configuration default, but if you want different text to appear in the footer of your document, enter it here
Save These Print Preferences? If you wish to save specific print options, you can use this function to save this set of print options. If a customer has a specific way they want to see their invoices, after selecting the options, you can then save those print options using the customer's name and then select that set of print options when creating invoices for that customer so you do not have to change your print options when you print an invoice for that customer
Print Invoice Click on this button to generate the PDF preview of your document with the print options you have selected.

Apply Finance Charges to a Customer invoice

To apply finance charges to a customer invoice, click on the Apply Finance Charges icon to open the Add Finance Charges window.

Image ProposalsReceivablesAddFinanceCharges.JPG

[information] Fields followed with an asterisk (*) are required fields and must be entered.

[information] Fields followed by an asterisk are required input fields.

Add Finance Charges Fields Description
Add Charge To * You can select to apply finance charges on the Remaining Balance due or to the Invoice Total amount.
Posting Date The default is today's date, this is the date that the finance charge entry will be dated in your journal
Interest Rate Select the interest rate of the finance change to be applied. This rate is used to calculate the finance charge on either the Remaining Balance or the Invoice Total
Finance Charge * You can enter a specific finance charge amount if you do not enter an Interest Rate.
Comment You can enter a free text comment regarding your finance charge entry. This comment does not appear on your invoice, it appears in the memo field on the journal entry made for this transaction
Resend Invoice If this box is checked, after applying the finance charges to the invoice, the invoice will be resent to your customer if the invoice was emailed or faxed to them originally. If the invoice was printed and mailed, this has no affect
Save & Apply Click on this button to save the finance charge and to have it applied to your customers invoice

Finance charges will appear in the totals section of your customer invoice and will be included in the Invoice Total amount due field.

Customer Credits Tab

Image ProposalsReceivablesCustCreditsTab.JPG

The Customer Credits tab displays any credits that have been issued on invoices on the proposal.

Issue Customer Credits on an Invoice

To issue a credit on an invoice, click on the invoice that the credit is to be applied to and then click on the Issue Customer Credits icon to open the Issue Credits window.

Image ProposalsReceivablesIssueCredits.JPG

To issue a credit, select the line item(s) that you are issuing the credit for by placing a check mark in the line item selection check box. Then enter the amount of the credit. The sales tax rules used when the proposal was finalized will be used to calculate the sales tax on the item being credited. In this case, 6% percent sales tax was charged on the product. The credit amount is $100.00, plus the $6.00 (6%) sales tax for a total credit of $106.00. The sales tax amount, per the credit amount will be displayed as well.

Issue Credits Fields Description
Code Select the credit code to be used for your credit. You can define credit codes in System Configuration or you can use the "AUTO" selection. This option will credit the product or service account defined by the product/service code used on this line item.
Amt Enter the amount of the credit to be issued for the selected line item
Reference No The Reference No field is automatically populated with the letters "CR - " followed by the original invoice number. You can change this number if desired but it is not recommended. Each customer credit will be issued a unique Reference number by the system.
Comments The Comments field allows you to enter free text describing the credit.
Credit Date The Credit Date field defaults to today's date, however, you can post and/or predate your customer credits by changing the date in this field.
Save Credit Click on the Save Credit button to apply the credit to the invoice

If sales tax was applied to the invoice during proposal finalization or during the invoice creation time ([update tax]) then the sales tax rules applied will be used to calculate the amount of tax due to your customer for the credit amount and that tax amount will appear in the Tax field in the Credit Amount summary section.

After the credit has been applied to the invoice, the Customer Invoice Summary window will update to display the applied credit amount as shown below. The Open Balance amount includes the credit amount issued.

Image ProposalsReceivablesIssueCreditDisplay.JPG

Customer credit will be displayed under the Customer Credits tab.

Delete or Edit a Customer Credit

You can edit or delete a customer credit from the invoice the credit was issued on or from the Customer Credits tab.

To delete or edit a credit from the invoice, click on the invoice in the Receivables tab, then click on the Receipt Log tab. Any credits issued will be displayed here as shown below.

Image ProposalsReceivablesCreditReceiptLog.JPG

Click on the appropriate credit from the list displayed to open the Edit Invoice Credit window as shown below.

Image ProposalsReceivablesEdit.JPG

You can edit the credit amount by changing the credit dollar value and then click on the Save Credit button or you can delete the credit by clicking on the Delete Credit button at the bottom of the window and the invoice will be updated.

The credit can be edited or deleted from the Customer Credits tab as well. Just click on the credit to be edited or deleted in the Customer Credits window and the Edit Invoice Credit window will open. Follow the steps described above for editing or deleting the credit.

7.7. Receivables Tab
7. Proposals
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7.8. Proposals Payables Tab